Rata Honey, 100% Raw, 150g

Wedderspoon Gold, the gourmet line, is elegantly packaged in glass jars containing raw, nutrient rich honey with potent, naturally occurring properties. Rata honey often ranges from pearl to blush in colour, falling into the Water White category on the Pfund colour grading system. Rata honey is sourced from the protected Rata tree (Southern rata, Metrosideros umbellata), found in New Zealand’s National Forests. The tree only flowers from early January to March once every 2 years, which makes Rata an extremely rare and fine honey. It has a thick, creamy consistency perfect for drizzling over strawberries or other fruits and adds depth of character to cheese plate pairings. This white-coloured honey has a wonderfully rich aroma and a very unique taste. A tasty super food, it contains live enzymes, minerals and vitamins.

(150g/5.3oz) Ingredients: 100% Raw, Unpasteurised Rata Honey.

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